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Fastai Study Group - Lesson 1

Bridge Course

Fastai2(fastai v2, course v4) is the revamped version of the fastai v1(from course v3) stating these so as that there are no confusion between versions of courses and library. Fastai is developed on top PyTorch to make it easy for parctioners to quickly and easily builds models.

  • This is the 4th iteration of the fastai Deep learning MOOC - Part 1

Pets Image Classsifier

from fastai2.vision.all import *
import jovian
# from nbdev.showdoc import *


If you're using a computer with an unusually small GPU, you may get an out of memory error when running this notebook. If this happens, click Kernel->Restart, uncomment the 2nd line below to use a smaller batch size (you'll learn all about what this means during the course), and try again.

bs = 64
# bs = 16   # uncomment this line if you run out of memory even after clicking Kernel->Restart