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My First Neural Network!

It prints out the accuracy of what the Neural Network Thinks

By the way No time to explain the algorithm in detail

It is an "inclusive_or" perceptron. Please search it you have any doubts.

import numpy as np

learning_rate = 1
bias = 1
weights = np.random.rand(3)

def accuracy(error):
    if error == 0:
    if error == -1:

def perceptron(neurons, desired_output):
    output_of_perceptron = np.dot(neurons, weights)
    #Activation Function
    if output_of_perceptron > 0:
        '''if calculated output is positive then''' 
        output_of_perceptron = 1
        output_of_perceptron = 0
    #error calculation
    error = desired_output - output_of_perceptron
    #updating the weights
    weights[0] += error * neurons[0] * learning_rate
    weights[1] += error * neurons[1] * learning_rate
    weights[2] += error * neurons[2] * learning_rate
    #Printing the accuracy..
for i in range(10):
              #input neurons, labels
    perceptron(   [1,1,bias],   1   ) #True
    perceptron(   [1,0,bias],   1   ) #True
    perceptron(   [0,1,bias],   1   ) #True
    perceptron(   [0,0,bias],   0   ) #False
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