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Data Analysis Project

Most streamed songs of 2019 on Spotify - What's trending nowadays?

This is a course project that I have taken under the course "Data analysis with Python" from an online platform called Jovian.ml. In this project we will analyse the dataset "Most streamed songs of 2019 on spotify" which I downloaded from Kaggle.com and ask and answer various questions about the dataset by finding relations between various parameters of a song.

First let's download the dataset and load it into a dataframe.

Downloading and loading the Dataset

I have already downloaded the dataset and uploaded it into the main interface of jupyter, now we can just open it using Pandas.

import pandas as pd
spotify_df=pd.read_csv("most_streamed_songs_of_2019_spotify.csv") # Creating a dataframe 
# Let's have a first look at our database 


The dataset has been downloaded and extracted.