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A simple Even or Odd Dectector

Functions of this program:

  1. Recieve input from the user
  2. Determine the range of detection from user input
  3. Outputs the various numbers together with their results (even or odd)
#Generates range and checks if the number leaves a remainder

for x in range(first_number, second_number):

        if x % 2 == 0:
            print(x, " is an even number")
        elif x % 2 != 0:
            print(x, " is an odd number")


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def even_odd():
    print("This program tells whether each number in a given range is even or odd")
    first_number = int(input("Enter first number in the range"))
    second_number = int(input("Enter final number in range"))
    for x in range(first_number, second_number):
        if x % 2 == 0:
            print(x, " is an even number")
        elif x % 2 != 0:
            print(x, " is an odd number")

exit_ans = input()
while True:
    if exit_ans == 'y' or 'yes':
    elif exit_ans != 'y':

This is a function which takes in a numerator and a denominator. It's a simple division calculation tool which gives you your answer in decimals, gives a floor division answer and the remainder of the division.

def remainder():
    print("This program is an advanced division calculator")
    a = int(input("Enter numerator: "))
    b = int(input("Enter denominator: "))
    c = 0
    if a % b == 0 :
        c = a / b
        print("Your answer is ", float(c))
        print("And leaves no remainder")
    elif a % b != 0:
        c = a / b
        print("Your decimal answer is ", float(c))
        c = a//b
        print("Your floor answer is ", c)
        c = a%b
        print("And leaves a remainder of ",c)

exit_ans = input("Do you want to exit [y/n]")

while True:
    if exit_ans == 'n':
my_age = 14
my_fake_age = 16
average_age = 15