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Project Outline:-

  1. Go to Website http://www.nyeca.org/find-a-contractor-by-name/
  2. Click on the Box that says “Search by Name of Contractor”
  3. You then will be able to see a list of Contractors Names and contact info in Alphabetical order as you scroll down
  4. Then take “All of the data” for all contractors from A to Z
    • and “Enter Data into Excel Sheet”
    • If there are “Multiple Contacts for the same company as seen in this example ABM Electrical & Lighting Services LLC,
    • please create a separate line in the excel document duplicating the company name and address
    • Adding the additional contact’s name, email and phone number email and phone numbers”
#Installing the request library to get the page data
!pip install requests --upgrade --quiet
import requests
scrape_url = 'http://www.nyeca.org/find-a-contractor-by-name/'
response = requests.get(scrape_url)
page_contents = response.text
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