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#Import all the necessary libraries here
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns


The given dataset contains the profits generated(in %) by all the suppliers of a footwear company in 4 major cities of India - Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur and Hyderabad. The company wants to invest more money in the city that is showing the most promise. Analyse the dataset and answer the following questions.

#loading data
#we note that there are no null values, and the values are treated as objects and not floats, we will have to clean the 
# '%' sign at the end of all and change it to float
#we will write a function to do this like the last session
def clean(string):
    clean="".join(filter(lambda x: x!='%', string))
    return float(clean)

# you can also use replace
# def clean(val):
#    return float(val.replace("%",""))