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Loan Application Status Prediction Project

Problem Statement Description -

This dataset includes details of applicants who have applied for loan. The dataset includes details like credit history, loan amount, their income, dependents etc.

Dataset key Infomation -

Independent Variables:

  • Loan_ID

  • Gender

  • Married

  • Dependents

  • Education

  • Self_Employed

  • ApplicantIncome

  • CoapplicantIncome

  • Loan_Amount

  • Loan_Amount_Term

  • Credit History

  • Property_Area

Dependent Variable (Target Variable):

  • Loan_Status

let's I will build a model for it can predict whether the loan of the applicant will be approved or not on the basis of the details provided in the given dataset.

Importing required libraries

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dsrscientist/DSData/master/loan_prediction.csv")