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# Task:

Sameer is an employee , his salary is 5000. , his job is to approve 

Fill in the blanks:

#A.  Class : 	____Employee________
#B.  Object:      _____Sameer_______
#C.  Property:   ____Salary=5000________
#D.  Method:    _____approveLoan()________
# let us simulate the above scenario
class Employee: #<- how to create a class
    salary=5000  #<-- a variable is a property
    def approveLoan(self):   #<-- this is how we define method
        print('i approve loan')

sameer = Employee() # <- here we are creating the object

sameer.approveLoan()# here we are calling the method via object
i approve loan
# grammer to create object

# objectname = classname()

# grammer to call method via object

# objectname.method_name()