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# Created a dictionary with the cost data. 

cities = {
'paris': [200, 20, 200],
'london': [250, 30, 120],
'dubai': [370, 15, 80],
'mumbai': [450, 10, 70]

# Define cost function
import math
def cost_of_trip(city, days):
    flight = cities[city][0]
    hotel = cities[city][1]
    car = cities[city][2]
    weeks = math.ceil(days/7)
    cost = flight + (hotel * days) + (car * weeks)
    return cost

print (cost_of_trip('paris', 7))
print (cost_of_trip('london', 7))
print (cost_of_trip('dubai', 7))
print (cost_of_trip('mumbai', 7))
# See vacation costs for all locations simultaneously
output_template = "The cost of a {} day trip to {} is ${}"

for key in cities:
    days = 14
    cost_of_trip(key, days)
    print(output_template.format(days, key, cost_of_trip(key, days)))
# Calculate max stay for budget at one place

budget = 1000
i = 1
output = 'The max stay is {} days'

while cost_of_trip('mumbai', i) < budget:
    i += 1
    if cost_of_trip('mumbai', i) >= budget:
        print (output.format(i-1))
# Calculate max stay for budget  (simultaneous)

budget = 2000
i = 1
output = 'The longest you can stay in {} for {} is {} days'

for key in cities:
    while cost_of_trip(key, i) < budget:
        i += 1
    if cost_of_trip(key, i) >= budget:
        print (output.format(key, budget, i-1))
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