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Data Analysis on IPL(2008-2020)


we all watch cricket generally and we all know the Indian premier league (IPL) is the biggest cricket league in the world.

this league generally held between march and may every year and it is conducted by our BCCI in which generally eight team participated from different cities but some year it may be 10 team we will see after analysis in which year 10 team was participated

here in this dataset my favorite team is mumbai indian

The dataset that we use in this notebook is IPL (Indian Premier League) Dataset posted on kaggle dataset sourced from cricsheet. IPL is one of the most popular cricket tournaments in the world, thus the problems we try to solve and the questions that we try to answer should be familiar to anyone who knows Cricket.

This project is part of my Data Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas course - www.zerotopandas.com.

The libraries for data analysis and visualization that I have used in this project are Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib and Seaborn. These libraries are covered in the course by Jovian.ml named as Data Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas.

Downloading the Dataset

lets first download our dataset on which we are analysing and visulisation so we use library opendatsets for downloading

Let's begin by downloading the data, and listing the files within the dataset.

dataset_url = 'https://www.kaggle.com/patrickb1912/ipl-complete-dataset-20082020' 
import opendatasets as od
Downloading ipl-complete-dataset-20082020.zip to .\ipl-complete-dataset-20082020
100%|██████████| 1.37M/1.37M [00:02<00:00, 541kB/s]