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Exercise - Processing CSV files using a dictionary of lists

We defined the functions read_csv and write_csv above to convert a CSV file into a list of dictionaries and vice versa. In this exercise, you'll transform the CSV data into a dictionary of lists instead, with one list for each column in the file.

For example, consider the following CSV file:

828400,120,0.11,100000 4633400,240,0.06, 42900,90,0.08,8900 983000,16,0.14, 15230,48,0.07,4300``` We'll convert it into the following dictionary of lists: ```{ amount: [828400, 4633400, 42900, 983000, 15230], duration: [120, 240, 90, 16, 48], rate: [0.11, 0.06, 0.08, 0.14, 0.07], down_payment: [100000, 0, 8900, 0, 4300] } ``` Complete the following tasks using the empty cells below: 1. Download three CSV files to the folder data2 using the URLs listed in the code cell below, and verify the downloaded files. 2. Define a function read_csv_columnar that reads a CSV file and returns a dictionary of lists in the format shown above. 3. Define a function compute_emis that adds another key emi into the dictionary with a list of EMIs computed for each row of data. 4. Define a function write_csv_columnar that writes the data from the dictionary of lists into a correctly formatted CSV file. 5. Process all three downloaded files and write the results by creating new files in the directory data2. Define helper functions wherever required.
import os
'data2' in os.listdir('.')