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#Guess the Number

import random
#step1 : generate a random number : computerSimulation
## step2: ask the user for the input
computerChoice= random.randint(1,20) # start,end

for _ in range(6):
    playerChoice= int(input('guess the number\n'))
    if playerChoice==computerChoice:
        print('gotcha! you made it!')
    elif playerChoice<computerChoice:
        print("your guess is too low")
    elif playerChoice>computerChoice:
        print("your gues is to high")
    print("you have run out of attempts ! please try again")
guess the number 7 your gues is to high guess the number 5 your gues is to high guess the number 3 your gues is to high guess the number 2 your gues is to high guess the number 1 gotcha! you made it!
# Rock Paper Scissor

# 2 Players 

# rock/paper/scissor

# player1 : ask the user to enter a character 'r'/'p'/'s'
# if the player enter a character other then 'r'/'p'/'s'
# ask the user to input again..

#computerChoice = generate a random number between(1-3)
             if the number is 1
            elif the number is 2

#now compare the playerchoice with computer choice

# if player1 choice is rock and computerChoice is  scissor player 1 wins.
# if player1 choice is paper and computerchoice is  rock player1 wins
# if player1 choice is scissor and computerchoice is  paper player1 wins.
# if player1 choice matches with player2 choice then print its a tie.

import random, sys


# These variables keep track of the number of wins, losses, and ties.
wins = 0
losses = 0
ties = 0

while True: # The main game loop.
    print('%s Wins, %s Losses, %s Ties' % (wins, losses, ties))
    while True: # The player input loop.
        print('Enter your move: (r)ock (p)aper (s)cissors or (q)uit')
        playerMove = input()
        if playerMove == 'q':
            sys.exit() # Quit the program.
        if playerMove == 'r' or playerMove == 'p' or playerMove == 's':
            break # Break out of the player input loop.
        print('Type one of r, p, s, or q.')

    # Display what the player chose:
    if playerMove == 'r':
        print('ROCK versus...')
    elif playerMove == 'p':
        print('PAPER versus...')
    elif playerMove == 's':
        print('SCISSORS versus...')

    # Display what the computer chose:
    randomNumber = random.randint(1, 3)
    if randomNumber == 1:
        computerMove = 'r'
    elif randomNumber == 2:
        computerMove = 'p'
    elif randomNumber == 3:
        computerMove = 's'

    # Display and record the win/loss/tie:
    if playerMove == computerMove:
        print('It is a tie!')
        ties = ties + 1
    elif playerMove == 'r' and computerMove == 's':
        print('You win!')
        wins = wins + 1
    elif playerMove == 'p' and computerMove == 'r':
        print('You win!')
        wins = wins + 1
    elif playerMove == 's' and computerMove == 'p':
        print('You win!')
        wins = wins + 1
    elif playerMove == 'r' and computerMove == 'p':
        print('You lose!')
        losses = losses + 1
    elif playerMove == 'p' and computerMove == 's':
        print('You lose!')
        losses = losses + 1
    elif playerMove == 's' and computerMove == 'r':
        print('You lose!')
        losses = losses + 1