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Exploratory data analysis on police shootings in the US

In the United States in the late 2010s there has been a increase in the number of police brutality cases. The number of deaths caused by a police officer has increased from 397 to 426 deaths in 2013.

In a study done by the Research Triangle Institute in 2015, arrest-related deaths were ranked higher than supplementary homicide reports in US deaths by approximately 4%.

A study conducted by the police violence tracking website fatalencounters.org showed the records of over 26,000 people killed by police across the US since 2000, at an average of over 1300 people per year until 2019. In 2016, police killed 574 White Americans, 266 African Americans, 183 Hispanics, 24 Native Americans, and 21 Asians. However, for every million in population, police killed 10.13 Native Americans, 6.66 African Americans, 3.23 Hispanics, 2.9 White Americans, and 1.17 Asians.

This is a final assignment for the Zero to Pandas course by Jovian.ml
Source: https://www.kaggle.com/ahsen1330/us-police-shootings

project_name = "Exploratory data analysis on police shootings in the US"
!pip install jovian --upgrade -q
import jovian
[jovian] Attempting to save notebook.. [jovian] Creating a new project "aleksdamjanovicwork/Exploratory data analysis on police shootings in the US" [jovian] Uploading notebook.. [jovian] Capturing environment.. [jovian] Committed successfully! https://jovian.ml/aleksdamjanovicwork/exploratory-data-analysis-on-police-shootings-in-the-us