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Exploring Google Meet Connection Logs for a Primary School

In this notebook we are going to explore real world Google Meet Connection logs.

The data comes from a primary school in México. Due to Coronavirus, the school has started to use videoconferencing a lot. As it is a new tool, a lot of problems had arise in the school regarding speed, latency and connection to the meetings.
We are going to see if the data collected led us to foresea some posible improvements that allows us to use the tool in a better way.

Loading related libraries and preparing the notebook to save into Jovian.ml

project_name = "alfonsmr-zerotopandas-course-project"
!pip install jovian --upgrade -q
import jovian
[jovian] Attempting to save notebook.. [jovian] Detected Kaggle notebook... [jovian] Please enter your API key ( from https://jovian.ml/ ): API KEY: ········ [jovian] Uploading notebook to https://jovian.ml/alfonsmr/alfonsmr-zerotopandas-course-project

Data Preparation and Cleaning

Before importing the data, to prevent leaking personal information, some columns were removed and some personal identification information was anonymized using already existing python libraries.

from inforcehub import Anonymize
anon = Anonymize()
df_dict = anon.transform(df, ['Meeting Code','Organizer Email','Participant Name'])

Removing private information related columns

df.drop(['Participant Identifier', 'IP Address','Calendar Event Id','Conference ID'], axis=1, inplace = True)

Importing required libraries