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Branching using Conditional Statements and Loops in Python


Part 3 of "Data Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas"

This tutorial series is a beginner-friendly introduction to programming and data analysis using the Python programming language. These tutorials take a practical and coding-focused approach. The best way to learn the material is to execute the code and experiment with it yourself. Check out the full series here:

  1. First Steps with Python and Jupyter
  2. A Quick Tour of Variables and Data Types
  3. Branching using Conditional Statements and Loops
  4. Writing Reusable Code Using Functions
  5. Reading from and Writing to Files
  6. Numerical Computing with Python and Numpy
  7. Analyzing Tabular Data using Pandas
  8. Data Visualization using Matplotlib & Seaborn
  9. Exploratory Data Analysis - A Case Study
commit jovin()
File "<ipython-input-4-9cd56e2c2b6b>", line 1 commit jovin() ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
for i in range(3,7,3):
3 6
<function jovian.utils.commit.commit(message=None, files=[], outputs=[], environment='auto', privacy='auto', filename=None, project=None, new_project=None, git_commit=False, git_message='auto', **kwargs)>

This tutorial covers the following topics:

  • Branching with if, else and elif
  • Nested conditions and if expressions
  • Iteration with while loops
  • Iterating over containers with for loops
  • Nested loops, break and continue statements