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Data Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas - Course Project Guidelines

(remove this cell before submission)

Important links:

This is the starter notebook for the course project for Data Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas. You will pick a real-world dataset of your choice and apply the concepts learned in this course to perform exploratory data analysis. Use this starter notebook as an outline for your project . Focus on documentation and presentation - this Jupyter notebook will also serve as a project report, so make sure to include detailed explanations wherever possible using Markdown cells.

Evaluation Criteria

Your submission will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Dataset must contain at least 3 columns and 150 rows of data
  • You must ask and answer at least 4 questions about the dataset
  • Your submission must include at least 4 visualizations (graphs)
  • Your submission must include explanations using markdown cells, apart from the code.
  • Your work must not be plagiarized i.e. copy-pasted for somewhere else.

Follow this step-by-step guide to work on your project.

Step 1: Select a real-world dataset

Here's some sample code for downloading the US Elections Dataset:

import opendatasets as od
dataset_url = 'https://www.kaggle.com/tunguz/us-elections-dataset'

You can find a list of recommended datasets here: https://jovian.ml/forum/t/recommended-datasets-for-course-project/11711

Step 2: Perform data preparation & cleaning

  • Load the dataset into a data frame using Pandas
  • Explore the number of rows & columns, ranges of values etc.
  • Handle missing, incorrect and invalid data
  • Perform any additional steps (parsing dates, creating additional columns, merging multiple dataset etc.)

Step 3: Perform exploratory analysis & visualization

  • Compute the mean, sum, range and other interesting statistics for numeric columns
  • Explore distributions of numeric columns using histograms etc.
  • Explore relationship between columns using scatter plots, bar charts etc.
  • Make a note of interesting insights from the exploratory analysis

Step 4: Ask & answer questions about the data

  • Ask at least 4 interesting questions about your dataset
  • Answer the questions either by computing the results using Numpy/Pandas or by plotting graphs using Matplotlib/Seaborn
  • Create new columns, merge multiple dataset and perform grouping/aggregation wherever necessary
  • Wherever you're using a library function from Pandas/Numpy/Matplotlib etc. explain briefly what it does

Step 5: Summarize your inferences & write a conclusion

  • Write a summary of what you've learned from the analysis
  • Include interesting insights and graphs from previous sections
  • Share ideas for future work on the same topic using other relevant datasets
  • Share links to resources you found useful during your analysis

Step 6: Make a submission & share your work

(Optional) Step 7: Write a blog post

  • A blog post is a great way to present and showcase your work.
  • Sign up on Medium.com to write a blog post for your project.
  • Copy over the explanations from your Jupyter notebook into your blog post, and embed code cells & outputs
  • Check out the Jovian.ml Medium publication for inspiration: https://medium.com/jovianml

Example Projects

Refer to these projects for inspiration:

NOTE: Remove this cell containing the instructions before making your submission. You can do using the "Edit > Delete Cells" menu option.

Ventas de videojuegos

This dataset contains a list of video games with sales greater than 100,000 copies. It was generated by a scrape of vgchartz.com.

Fields include

  • Rank - Ranking of overall sales
  • Name - The games name
  • Platform - Platform of the games release (i.e. PC,PS4, etc.)
  • Year - Year of the game's release
  • Genre - Genre of the game
  • Publisher - Publisher of the game
  • NA_Sales - Sales in North America (in millions)
  • EU_Sales - Sales in Europe (in millions)
  • JP_Sales - Sales in Japan (in millions)
  • Other_Sales - Sales in the rest of the world (in millions)
  • Global_Sales - Total worldwide sales.

The script to scrape the data is available at https://github.com/GregorUT/vgchartzScrape.
It is based on BeautifulSoup using Python.
There are 16,598 records. 2 records were dropped due to incomplete information.

Datos utilizados para el proyecto final del curso Data Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas, and what you've learned from it.

Downloading the Dataset

A continuación la información de descarga de los dataset

Instructions for downloading the dataset (delete this cell)

!pip install jovian opendatasets --upgrade --quiet