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import numpy as np
import torch
#input (temp, rainfall, humidity)
inputs = np.array ([[73, 67, 43],
                    [91, 88, 64],
                    [87, 134, 58],
                    [102, 43, 37],
                    [69, 96, 70]], dtype = 'float32')
#Targets (apples, oranges)
targets = np.array ([[56, 70],
                     [81, 101],
                     [119, 133],
                     [22, 37],
                     [103, 119]], dtype = 'float32')
#Convert inputs and targets to tensors
inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs)
targets = torch.from_numpy(targets)
print (inputs)
print (targets)
tensor([[ 73., 67., 43.], [ 91., 88., 64.], [ 87., 134., 58.], [102., 43., 37.], [ 69., 96., 70.]]) tensor([[ 56., 70.], [ 81., 101.], [119., 133.], [ 22., 37.], [103., 119.]])