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Space Mission Analysis


We are all fascinated by space (Who isn’t?). Humankind has always been wondering about the things that might exist outside this tiny rock floating in the void of space around a normal star. And to uncover the truth behind these mysteries humans have been conducting space missions since 1957.

This notebook illustrates the analysis of ‘All Space Missions from 1957’ dataset.This dataset can be obtained from Kaggle datasets. We’ll be performing Exploratory Data Analysis on this data set and try to extract some exciting insights from this data.

I'd like to mention about the course Data Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas conducted by Jovian.ml along with freecodecamp. Kuddos to the great instructor Aakash N S and his whole team for their great recources and constant support and the community that is being built on that platform. Definitely a booming place for all Data science enthusiasts.

It really does takes you from zero to pandas !

Downloading the Dataset

Now let's download our data from Kaggle dataset and extract it in our working directory.

!pip install jovian opendatasets --upgrade --quiet

Let's begin by downloading the data, and listing the files within the dataset.

import warnings