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Knapsack Problem

Problem Statement

The marketing campaign manager of WallArt, Ecommerce has been assigned a maximum budget of ₹14 Cr to promote the upcoming Diwali sale. He has 4 options(O) to run campaigns on. Each option charges a fixed amount (C) for running promotions. He has historical data to let him know the number of customers (N) he can reach from each . Help him decide on the ideal combination he should use for reaching maximum customers.

Options(O)Charge(C) ₹CrNo. of Customers (N), lakhs
Social Media58
News Paper73
Search Engine311
Max Budget: ₹14Cr


max(x):iOniximax(x): \sum_{i \in O} n_{i}x_{i}

Subject To:

iOcixicmax\sum_{i \in O} c_{i}x_{i} \leq c_{max}

xi{0,1}iOx_{i} \in \{0,1\} \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \forall i \in O

import matplotlib
import seaborn
import bokeh
%matplotlib inline


Import Pyomo Enviornment

from pyomo.environ import *