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Project Title - data-analysis-of-android-games

Gaming industry have great influence in human life and it offers great amount of opportunities to passionate games , analysing the data of android games and working towards the trend can help industry to work in more effecient way to improve its impact on humans

contents -

Dowloading the data set:

Firstly we will download the dataset from kaggle using python libraries

Purifying the data set

Then we will try to purify the errors in tha datasets using python

visualizing the data set

then we will visualuze the data and try obtain the useful information after analysing it using pyhon libraries Matpotlib and seaborn


we will also try to answer the basic and important questions that can be raised after visualizing the data using pandas


We will conclude what we have analysed from the data set

Downloading the Dataset

so firtsly we will download the dataset from Kaggle using python library opendatasets

!pip install jovian opendatasets --upgrade --quiet

Let's begin by downloading the data, and listing the files within the dataset.