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Analysis of Video Games Sales in Japan¶

In this Project,I am going to analyze the Dataset of Video Game Sales in Japan. I got this dataset from kaggel:https://www.kaggle.com/gregorut/videogamesales

In this project, i am going to find which Game has Highest Sales, who ware the publisher and Genre, In Which Year it got the released and more on... . I'm going to use Pandas,numpy,Matplotlib and Seaborn for this Project.

The Dataset contains following information:-

  • Rank - Ranking of overall sales,
  • Name - The games name,
  • Platform - Platform on which the games release (i.e. PC,PS4, etc.),
  • Year - Year of the game's release,
  • Genre - Genre of the game,
  • Publisher - Publisher of the game,
  • NA_Sales - Sales in North America (in millions),
  • EU_Sales - Sales in Europe (in millions),
  • JP_Sales - Sales in Japan (in millions),
  • Other_Sales - Sales in the rest of the world (in millions),
  • Global_Sales - Total worldwide sales.

Downloading the Dataset

For this project we are going to download dataset from kaggle

Dataset link:- https://www.kaggle.com/gregorut/videogamesales

!pip install jovian opendatasets --upgrade --quiet

Let's begin by downloading the data, and listing the files within the dataset.

dataset_url = 'https://www.kaggle.com/gregorut/videogamesales'