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Introduction to Machine Learning and Toolkit Exercises

Human_Activity_Recognition_Using_Smartphones_Data.csv Human_Resources_Employee_Attrition.csv Iris_Data.csv Week1_Introduction_to_Machine_Learning_and_Toolkit_HW.ipynb Wholesale_Customers_Data.csv work/ X_Y_Sinusoid_Data.csv


We will be using the iris data set for this tutorial. This is a well-known data set containing iris species and sepal and petal measurements. The data we will use are in a file called Iris_Data.csv found in the data directory.

from __future__ import print_function
import os
data_path = ['data']
print (data_path)
"\nfrom __future__ import print_function\nimport os\ndata_path = ['data']\nprint (data_path)\n"

Question 1

Load the data from the file using the techniques learned today. Examine it.

Determine the following:

  • The number of data points (rows). (Hint: check out the dataframe .shape attribute.)
  • The column names. (Hint: check out the dataframe .columns attribute.)
  • The data types for each column. (Hint: check out the dataframe .dtypes attribute.)