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Militarizing Police (Cause and Effect-Part 1)

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Police Deaths
  • Civilian Deaths
  • Intentional Force Use
  • Attacks on Police
  • Correlation Matrix
  • Conclusion

Overview (Military and Police)

The police force is tasked with the protection of civilian rights (eg. property), enforcing the civil legal codes, and countering civil/public unrest (eg. riots). Whereas, the military is required to protect the nation's sovereignty and eliminating enemy targets during active hostilities (eg. war/combat).

What makes them different is their daily operations. The military is highly structured, and even a lower rank officer is discouraged from taking independent action. They act upon orders given to them by superior officers and have little discretion in carrying out those orders.

On the other hand, civilian law enforcement is a more fluid environment. Even a low-rank officer is required to work independently without direct supervision most of the time. Therefore, it is incumbent upon them to make decisions and use discretion in many instances to effectively deliver their services.

"Whenever we militarize the police, we run the risk of igniting a spiral of violence between the police and the populace" (Alan Grayson)

Police should not be engaging the public the same way as the military does with their enemy in a combat zone.

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