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PyTorch Functions

Manipulating torch.Tensor objects.

In this article, you can find definitions and examples of 5 PyTorch functions that can be used to aid in the manipulation of tensor objects. These functions are:

  • torch.as_tensor
  • torch.cat
  • torch.index_select
  • torch.reshape
  • torch.t
# Import torch and other required modules
import torch
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Function 1 - torch.as_tensor

torch.as_tensor(data, dypte=None, device=None)

This function is used to convert data into a torch.Tensor object and can take in a variety of data types. The ease of conversion allows data scientists to manipulate the data using a library like Numpy before utilzing the power of Torch to build models.


  • data: This is the initial data that will be converted into a tensor and can be a list, tuple, Numpy ndarray, scalar, and others.
  • dypte (optional): the desired data type of the returned tensor. Default is None, which means it will infer the data type from data.
  • device (option): the desired device of the returned tensor. Default is None, and this will use the current device for the default tensor type - CPU for CPU tensor types and CUDA for CUDA tensor types
# Example 1 - Working 
a = 1

With a scalar as an input.