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Coffee Production, Prices & Trends

This project will analyse two sets of data related to coffee production and prices found from multiple sources on the internet.

After importing the data, the data will be made into a Pandas DataFrames, cleaned and analysed.

This project aims to idenify trends visable in the data and seeks to find answers from online resources.


  • Has coffee production grown from 1961 through to 2018?
  • What were the top 10 largest coffee producing countries in 1961 and 2018?
  • What information can explain the production trends for the top 4 largest coffee producers in 1961?
  • What information can explain the production trends for the top 4 largest coffee producers in 2018?
  • Is there a trend by which coffee prices are influenced by coffee production or vis versa?

I located coffee production information per country from OurWorldInData.org, which includes data from 1961 to 2018 - link is provided below:

I found coffee pricing data from Worldbank.org, which included coffee pricing data from 1960 to 2019 - link is provided below:

Importing required libraries and CSV files

#Installing required libraries
!pip install pandas matplotlib seaborn --quite
#Importing required libraries 
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline