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Python - Data Structure and Algorithm - Assignment 1


Problem - Rotated Lists

We'll solve the following problem step-by-step:

You are given list of numbers, obtained by rotating a sorted list an unknown number of times. Write a function to determine the minimum number of times the original sorted list was rotated to obtain the given list. Your function should have the worst-case complexity of O(log N), where N is the length of the list. You can assume that all the numbers in the list are unique.

Example: The list [5, 6, 9, 0, 2, 3, 4] was obtained by rotating the sorted list [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9] 3 times.

We define "rotating a list" as removing the last element of the list and adding it before the first element. E.g. rotating the list [3, 2, 4, 1] produces [1, 3, 2, 4].

"Sorted list" refers to a list where the elements are arranged in the increasing order e.g. [1, 3, 5, 7].

The Method

Here's the systematic strategy we'll apply for solving problems:

  1. State the problem clearly. Identify the input & output formats.
  2. Come up with some example inputs & outputs. Try to cover all edge cases.
  3. Come up with a correct solution for the problem. State it in plain English.
  4. Implement the solution and test it using example inputs. Fix bugs, if any.
  5. Analyze the algorithm's complexity and identify inefficiencies, if any.
  6. Apply the right technique to overcome the inefficiency. Repeat steps 3 to 6.


1. State the problem clearly. Identify the input & output formats.

Q: Express the problem in your own words below.


Write a program to find the minimum number of rotation that has applied to the original sorted array in ascending order to obtain the given array. Also the problem should be solved in O(log N) time complexity.

Q: The function you write will take one input called nums. What does it represent? Give an example.


  1. nums: A list of numbers that was previously sorted in ascending order but was rotated. Eg: [5, 6, 9, 0, 2, 3, 4]

Q: The function you write will return a single output called rotations. What does it represent? Give an example.


  1. rotations: Number of times the original sorted list was rotated to obtain the given list of numbers.

Based on the above, we can now create a signature of our function: