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Inferential Statistics III - Bayesian


In the last two subunits, you've encountered two schools for performing inference from samples. The Frequentist school calls upon a body of theory established over the past couple of centuries or so. Under certain assumptions and conditions, this allows us to calculate what we would expect to see if an experiment were to be repeated again and again and again. The expected value of the average of a sample is one such statistic we can calculate a result for, even if the originating distribution is far from normal. The bootstrap school, on the other hand, literally does (virtually) run that experiment again and again and again and empirically observes the multitude of outcomes. It then empirically calculates a statistic of interest. While this can be for exactly the same statistics that frequentism calculates (e.g. the mean of a sample) this empirical approach can also perform inference on statistics that do not have well known sampling distributions. Because of the requirement to repeat many, many redraws (with replacement) from the sample, this approach only became feasible with modern computing power.

And thus we come to the Bayesian school of inference. Here we frame our probabilities not so much in terms of "how many times would I expect this event to occur if the experiment were to be rerun many times" but rather in terms of "what is my belief in the likelihood of this event occurring?" In a Bayesian probabilistic programming context, we can build models for systems and then let the data tell us how likely certain values for our model parameters are. This can be a very useful way to incorporate prior knowledge and deal with limited data. It can just be more than a little fiddly to produce a good model!

Medical charge data set

For the final mini-project of the stats unit, you'll once again return tot he medical charge data you've used for the other mini-projects. Previously, we considered whether we believed that the actual average(non-insured) charge had fallen below a certain threshold.

The hospital is now reviewing its financial resiliency plan, which requires a model for revenue under a range of conditions that include the number of patients treated. Its current model is based on a confidence interval for the mean, and scaling that by different numbers of patients for each scenario. This approach has a number of limitations, most acutely the breakdown of the central limit theorem for low patient volumes; the current model does not do a good job of reflecting the variability in revenue you would see as the number of cases drops. A bootstrap approach would return samples of the same size as the original. Taking subsamples would restrict the sampling to the values already present in the original sample and would not do a good job of representing the actual variability you might see. What is needed is a better model of individual charges.

So the problem here is that we want to model the distribution of individual charges and we also really want to be able to capture our uncertainty about that distribution so we can better capture the range of values we might see. This naturally leads us to a powerful, probabilistic approach — we'll use the pymc3 library to perform Bayesian inference.