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Top 5 Awesome Numpy Functions

This notebook is a part of Jovian.ml course zero to pandas assignment.

Numerical Python aka NumPy which is a fundamental library, well known for high-performance multi-dimensional array and can be used for different mathematical functions like linear algebra, Fourier Transformations, etc. as well as logical operations.
NumPy offers fast and flexible data structures for multi-dimensional arrays and matrices with numerous mathematical functions/operations associated with it. Core data structure in NumPy is “ndarray”, short for n-dimesional array for storing numeric values. Let us get started with some basic commands with NumPy 1d-array (one-dimensional array).

  • np.linspace
  • np.where
  • np.ptp
  • np.intersect1d
  • np.clip
!pip install jovian --upgrade -q
import jovian
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Let's begin by importing Numpy and listing out the functions covered in this notebook.