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Intruder Detection using Deep Learning version 2

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Here we use face_recognition python module. This module runs upon dlib a c++ based library.

It consists of 4 steps.
  • Step-1 : Encode the picture using the HOG algorithm to create a simplified version of the image.
  • Step-2 : Finding the main landmarks in the face like nose, mouth and ears.
  • Step-3 : Encoding Faces. Here we use a pre-trained Convolution Neural Network developed by OpenFace.
  • Step-4 : Finding the person’s name from the encoding.Compare which person has the closest measurements to our face’s measurements.
import glob
import face_recognition
import cv2
import numpy as np
import jovian

Data Set Understanding

paths = glob.glob('C:\\Users\\vsneh\\Udemy-notebooks\\face_rec_mod_testing\\data\\*')
names = []
images = []
image_encodings = []
image_names = []
count_img = 0
for i in paths:
['bill gates'] ['bill gates', 'donald trump'] ['bill gates', 'donald trump', 'elon musk'] ['bill gates', 'donald trump', 'elon musk', 'jeff bezos'] ['bill gates', 'donald trump', 'elon musk', 'jeff bezos', 'obama'] ['bill gates', 'donald trump', 'elon musk', 'jeff bezos', 'obama', 'snehit2']