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  • code is going to find vaccination threshold by assuming two groups :High risk and low risk
  • It uses the Ihstar and Ilstar method given by eigen vector of biggest eigen value
import jovian
import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
import numpy.linalg as linalg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# this is linear algebra from numpy to find R0
from numpy import linalg as LA

These are initial condition

  • beta matrix
  • gamma for both groups
  • population of each group
n11 = 0.2 #high risk population
n22 = 0.8 #low risk population
n=[n11, n22] #pop
b11 = 10
b12 = 1
b21 = 1
b22 = 2
b=[[b11 , b12] , [b21, b22]] # beta matrix
g =1 #gamma for model

This part calculates R0 for each group!