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World happiness data project

The World Happiness Report is a landmark survey of the state of global happiness. .

The happiness scores and rankings use data from the Gallup World Poll. The scores are based on answers to the main life evaluation question asked in the poll. This question, known as the Cantril ladder, asks respondents to think of a ladder with the best possible life for them being a 10 and the worst possible life being a 0 and to rate their own current lives on that scale.The columns following the happiness score estimate the extent to which each of six factors – economic production, social support, life expectancy, freedom, absence of corruption, and generosity – contribute to making life evaluations higher in each country than they are in Dystopia, a hypothetical country that has values equal to the world’s lowest national averages for each of the six factors. They have no impact on the total score reported for each country, but they do explain why some countries rank higher than others.

The dataset is taken from the kaggle dataset.We will clean the data,check for missing value and use anlysis and visulization tools to identify some fact and answer some question about it.

Downloading the Dataset

The data is downloaded from kaggle datasets

!pip install jovian opendatasets --upgrade --quiet

Let's begin by downloading the data, and listing the files within the dataset.

# Change this
dataset_url = 'https://www.kaggle.com/unsdsn/world-happiness?select=2019.csv'