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Data Structures are building blocks or raw material for any software programs.

import pandas as pd
data = {"Data Structure": ['Array','Hash Table', 'Linked List'],
        "Python": ['List','Dictionary','Not Available'],
        "Java" : ['Native Array & Arraylist', 'Hashmap & Linkedhashmap','Linkedlist'],
        "C++" : ['Native Array & std::vector','std::map', 'std::list']
print("Some of the common data structure implementation in different languages" )
# Create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Print the output.
Some of the common data structure implementation in different languages

Big 'O' Notation

  • It is used to measure how running time or space requirements for your program grow as input size grows
Condition for Big 'O' Notation
  • Keep fastest growing term in the equations.
  • Drop constants
# Example for O(n).
def get_squared_numbers(numbers):
    squared_numbers = []
    for n in numbers:
    return squared_numbers
numbers =[2,5,8,9]
[4, 25, 64, 81]