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Watched TV Show Analysis

This dataset consists of most of the TV shows that I've watched and tracked using an Android App provided by TVTime. I've asked for my data from them, and they provided but data was with no metadata.

As the data was provided with no metadata it was really hard to relate. So I built a scraper through which I gathered the metadata from their website. Did some processing in excel/pandas and now this is the final dataset which we'll use.


  1. Analyzing your browser history using Pandas & Seaborn by Kartik Godawat
  2. WhatsApp Chat Data Analysis by Prajwal Prashanth
  3. Android App by TVTime

Looking at their work, it inspired me to do the same with my own personal data. Searched for motivation on internet for Watched TV Show Analysis but didn't found any.

Modules Used

  • datetime
  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • jovian
Install required modules
!pip install pandas matplotlib seaborn jovian --upgrade -q

As a first step, let's upload our Jupyter notebook to Jovian.ml.

project_name = "zerotopandas-eda-watched-tvshow"