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IPL Data Analysis(2008-2019)

Indian Premier League (IPL) is a Twenty20 cricket format league in India oranised by BCCI every year started in year 2008. IPL team names are representing femous cities in India.

The dataset has been downloaded from Kaggle Dataset.
I have choosen this dataset for my project for the course by Jovian.ml named as 'Data Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas'. I will try to clean and analyse data and try to find out various interesting pattern from the data. I will use numpy, pandas ,seaborn, matplot library for the analysis purpose.

As a first step, let's upload our Jupyter notebook to Jovian.ml.

project_name = "ipl_analysis" # Project title
!pip install jovian --upgrade -q
import jovian
[jovian] Detected Colab notebook... [jovian] Please enter your API key ( from https://jovian.ml/ ): API KEY: