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Focus about Covid-19

To my project i used a covid-19 dataset. I choose it to the importance of this issue at this time. To analize the dataset i use the tecniques mentioned in the courseData Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas.

Downloading the Dataset

To download the dataset i used the library urlretrive, after i'll install the moduled used to analize the data.

from urllib.request import urlretrieve
urlretrieve(' https://raw.githubusercontent.com/owid/covid-19-data/master/public/data/owid-covid-data.csv', 'owid-covid-data.csv')
urlretrieve(' https://raw.githubusercontent.com/owid/covid-19-data/master/public/data/owid-covid-codebook.csv', 'owid-covid-codebook.csv')
('owid-covid-codebook.csv', <http.client.HTTPMessage at 0x7fb9e1124d00>)
project_name = "focus-about-covid-19"
!pip install jovian seaborn matplotlib --upgrade -q