Health Facilities in Ghana

The recent covid-19 pandemic has once again brought the issue of healthcare to the fore. The greater the number of health facilities, the easier it is for citizens to access health care.
As part of my coursework in the Data Analysis with Python: Zero to PandasI was moved to analyse this particular dataset

Downloading the Dataset

I downloaded the dataset from kaggle
It details the number of health facilities in Ghana by regions, types, facilityName, ownership etc
The dataset is available as part of the Citizen Data Science project.
Much thanks to the creators for making this available for further analysis.
Since I worked mostly offline, I downloaded the dataset files and extracted them into the project directory. As such, I did not use the urllib module

You can visit the Wikipedia pages below to have a brief overview of the health care situation in Ghana;
Health In Ghana and Health Care in Ghana

project_name = "zerotopandas-course-project-health-facilities-ghana" 
import jovian
[jovian] Attempting to save notebook.. [jovian] Updating notebook "ernestthethird/zerotopandas-course-project-health-facilities-ghana" on [jovian] Uploading notebook.. [jovian] Capturing environment.. [jovian] Committed successfully!