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New York City Shooting Incidences 2006-2021, Exploratory Data Analysis.


  • There has been a rise in hate crimes and shooting incidences in the United States.It has been an issue that has become a national debate.Therefore an understanding of criminal activity based on the statistical description,summary and insights gained from available data like New York City Shooting Incidences dataset will be helpful in formulating the best police enforcement and intervention strategies.

From this data set,Click here to get the data set.;

  • We shall draw insights about shooting (location,date, time) and the shooter/victim (age, gender, race).
  • We shall narrow down on the location with the most incidences and draw insights.
  • Expect some investigative questions about our data set.

Narrowing down on areas with the most incidences is essential because if law enforcers and policy makers are able to find ways of curtailing incidences in these areas, then some of those strategies can be used to either bring down or avoid incidences in other areas.

It is for this reason that the analysis will narrow down to places with most occurences.

Crime statistics and analysis are important because of various reasons.

  • They help criminal justice systems when it comes to predictive policing.
  • In age of community policing such statistics help improve relationship with the community.
  • They are helpful when it comes to law initiatives with an aim to decrease crime.

Click here for more details on why crime statistics are important.


  • We will clean the data: Here we shall find missing values and Fill Missing Values

  • Do Transformation of the Data: Here we shall find and remove the duplicates

  • Do Exploratory Data Analysis: Here we shall engage in some statistical description,summary and draw some insights.
    We shall also be asking and answering some investigative questions.

  • Visualize the data using Matplotlib,Seabon and plotly.

  • Make conclusions.

!pip install jovian --upgrade --quiet
!pip install plotly==5.1.0;
Requirement already satisfied: plotly==5.1.0 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages (5.1.0) Requirement already satisfied: six in /opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from plotly==5.1.0) (1.16.0) Requirement already satisfied: tenacity>=6.2.0 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from plotly==5.1.0) (8.0.1)
import jovian