Top 207 highest rated movies on Imdb

I have downloaded the dataset from Kaggle Datasets, it consist of Top 207 rated Movies in Imdb. I have performed Exploratory Data Analysis, Visulazisations and answered some Intresting Questions by using tools like Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib and Seaborn which I learned in Course "Data Analysis with Python - From Zeros to Panda" by

Downloading the Dataset

TODO - I have downloaded the dataset from kaggle datasets
It consist of Top 207 rated Movies in Imdb
Dataset is given by - PRASHANTH_A_N24
Link to Download - "kaggle kernels output prashanthan24/eda-on-top-movies -p /path/to/dest"

!pip install jovian opendatasets --upgrade --quiet

Let's begin by downloading the data, and listing the files within the dataset.

import os
['.config', 'Top200Movies.csv', '.ipynb_checkpoints', 'sample_data']