Assignment 1 - Binary Search Practice
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
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Course HomeLesson 2 - Binary Search Trees, Traversals and RecursionAssignment 2 - Hash Tables and Python DictionariesLesson 3 - Sorting Algorithms and Divide & ConquerAssignment 3 - Divide and Conquer PracticeLesson 4 - Recursion and Dynamic ProgrammingLesson 5 - Graph Algorithms (BFS, DFS & Shortest Paths)Project - Solve a Programming Problem Step-by-StepLesson 6 - Python Interview Questions, Tips & Advice
In this assignment, you'll apply and practice the following concepts covered during the first lesson:
- Understand and solve a problem systematically
- Implement linear search and analyze it
- Optimize the solution using binary search
- Ask questions and help others on the forum
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