Lesson 2 - Binary Search Trees, Traversals and Recursion
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
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Course HomeAssignment 2 - Hash Tables and Python DictionariesLesson 3 - Sorting Algorithms and Divide & ConquerAssignment 3 - Divide and Conquer PracticeLesson 4 - Recursion and Dynamic ProgrammingLesson 5 - Graph Algorithms (BFS, DFS & Shortest Paths)Project - Solve a Programming Problem Step-by-StepLesson 6 - Python Interview Questions, Tips & Advice
Hindi Version: https://youtu.be/9Dpk_mYsqJc
In this lesson, we explore the use-cases of binary search trees, and develop a step-by-step implementation from scratch, solving many common interview questions along the way. Notebooks used in this lesson:
- Binary Search Trees in Python: https://jovian.ai/aakashns/python-binary-search-trees
- Problem Solving Template: https://jovian.ai/aakashns/python-problem-solving-template
- Linked Lists in Python: https://jovian.ai/aakashns/python-classes-and-linked-lists
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